Welcome to Tree of Life School of Ministries. We are pleased to offer a course in Biblical Studies that, upon completion, will result in the awarding of a... Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies  

Dr. Richmond is an Ordained Minister registered in Oklahoma since 1976. Dr. Richmond holds a Doctorate Degree in Theology and Master of Arts degrees in Theology, Biblical Studies, and Biblical Counseling. Throughout his life, Dr. Richmond has dedicated significant time to studying Sacred Scripture, spending three to eight hours daily on this pursuit since 1988. He is internationally recognized as a Scribe of the Sacred Scripture. A Comforter Messenger of the Logos.

During your studies, you can watch instructional videos presented by Dr. Roy. These videos cover the subject of "No Penal Substitution," related to the truth of the Sacred Scripture, providing an Allegorical, Metaphysical, and Spiritual understanding. Each course will feature multiple videos for viewing, followed by the requirement to write an essay reflecting on the teachings. Your essay should be at least four pages (8 1/2" X 11" (single-spaced, 12 font) and must be an original composition based on what you have learned, without directly copying or pasting from online sources. Completed essays are to be emailed to Dr. Roy at DrRoyERichmond@cox.net, including the name and number of the course at the top of the page for proper record-keeping.

A certified (non-accredited) Degree will be mailed to you upon completing the video courses and submitting all essays. While a higher learning facility does not accredit this degree, you may use it for consideration for a ministry position (Teacher, Pastor, Associate Pastor, or Licensed Minister). After taking this course of study, if you feel the calling to be a licensed minister, you may contact Dr. Roy E. Richmond or Alison McCartney for consideration.

As you watch each video lesson, it is recommended that you take notes on key points that resonate with you. These notes can then serve as an outline for crafting your reflective essay. We look forward to guiding you through this enriching educational journey.

Each Class Will Include Six Sessions; when concluded, you will write your Essay and email it to drroyerichmond@cox.net

The cost per class is $60 US

Required Reading:

Prerequisite: Core Class

Having a PayPal Account is not necessarey. Use a Credit or Debit Card

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Session Five

Session Six

Session Four

Session Three

Session Tw0

Session One

Class 1 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Six

Session Five

Session Four

Session Three

Session Two

Session One

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 2 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Twelve

Session Eleven

Session Ten

Session Nine

Session Eight

Session Seven

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 3 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Thirteen

Session Fourteen

Session Fifteen

Session Seventeen

There was no #16

Session Eighteen

Session Nineteen

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 4 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Twenty

Session Twenty One

Session Twenty Two

Session Twenty Three

Session Twenty Four

Session Twenty Five

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 5 "No Penal Substitution"

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Session Twenty Six

Session Twenty Seven

Session Twenty Eight

Session Twenty Nine

Session Thrity

Session Thirty One

Class 6 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Thirty Two

Session Thirty Three

Session Thirty Four

Session Thirty Five

Session Thirty Six

Session Thirty Seven

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 7 "No Penal Substitution"

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Session Thirty Eight

Session Thirty Nine

Session Forty

Session Forty One

Session Forty Two

Session Forty Three

Class 8 "No Penal Substitution

Email your Four Page Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Session Forty Four

Session Forty Five

Session Forty Six

Session Forty Seven

Session Forty Eight

Session Forty Nine

Class 9 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Fifty

Session Fifty One

Session Fifty Two

Session Fifty Three

Session Fifty Four

Session Fifty Five

Email your FourPage Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 10 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Fifty Six

Session Fifty Seven

Session Fifty Eight

Session Fifty Nine

Session Sixty

Session Sixty One

Email your FourPage Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 11 "No Penal Substitution

Email your FourPage Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Session Sixty Two

Session Sixty Three

Session Sixty Four

Session Sixty Five

Session Sixty Six

Required reading for

Classes 12 to 14

Class 12 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Three

Session Four

Session Five

Session Six

Email your FourPage Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Session One

Session Two

Class 13 "No Penal Substitution"

Session Seven

Session Eight

Session Nine

Session Ten

Session Eleven

Session Twelve

Email your FourPage Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

Class 14 - Final "No Penal Substitution"

Session Thirteen

Session Fourteen

Session Fifteen

Session Sixteen

Session Seventeen

Session Eighteen

Email your FourPage Word Essay to drroyerichmond@cox.net

You can be proud of yourself for completing this course. We desire that you understand now that the Bible was grossly mistranslated and verses added to enforce the false doctrine of Penal Substitution. If you want to learn more, please visit Dr. Roy's web page for other resources. Bless you!
